Tea and Effie 001. Writer’s (1st) World Problems

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Tea and Effie

Tea was rushing into the office, arms loaded down with all her work-related detritus, murmuring to-dos with all the hither-thither jibber-jabber of the proverbial Alice in Wonderland’s white rabbit. “Pens, pens,” continued the litany. “I need more pens!” Effie poked her head in to better view this particular spectacle. “Don’t you have a million?” “You …


Tea & Effie. 002. Tea Me Up!

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Tea and Effie

Tea was standing in the kitchen, the very image of a droopy sister. Effie practically materialized next to her, the very image of concern. “What do you need? Water? Food? Sleep? How can I help?” Tea turned around, revealing the empty pitcher in her hand. Effie sighed. “I can loan you some tea?” Tea perked …
